RDA项目 | 上海万科宝山启宸
△ 上海北郊未来产业园发展规划:上海之北,未来之城
项目位于上海宝山工业园区,紧邻罗店新市镇。周边交通条件良好,有高架、地铁、高速路,在主城 1 小时通行圈内。毗邻北郊未来产业园,周边配备幼、小、初及社区商业配套,1.5公里范围内规范有大型商业文化用地。居住、教育、文化用地,配比合理,未来将成为整个产业园的居住核心。
City of Future
This project is located in Shanghai Baoshan Industrial Area, where is near Luodian Town. The surrounding facilities, like viaduct, underground, highway are well-suited , it takes just 1 hour to the city centre. Adjacent to the Beijiao Future Industrial Area, it is equipped with kindergarten, primary, junior high school and community commercial facilities, and also with large commercial land within 1.5 km. This land for housing, education and culture is really well organized, and this project will become the core of the entire industrial area in the future.
△ 宝山启宸示范区
近一个世纪的学说影响-Mies Van Der Rogh 建筑空间
“少即是多”的提出者建筑师密斯·凡德罗在建筑设计的学说上有一个理念前身--乡间砖宅(Brick Country House 1923)
密斯·凡德罗当时通过乡间砖宅所表达的“流通空间” 突破了以往空间的形式——封闭的或开场的空间,从而开创了一种贯通的、流动的、隔而不离的空间。在这个项目的平面中可以读出,独立的墙体将空间分隔而不封闭,使人无法完全定义自己是置身室内还是室外,内外空间没有了严格的分界线,却更巧妙地阐述出每个空间的连接关系。墙面往往远远的脱开屋顶由室内延伸到景观当中,使空间、建筑和景观极度融合。后来,密斯将这系列理念运用到了被认为是现代主义建筑最具有标志性的经典之作 —— 巴塞罗那德国馆。
Flowing Space
The proponent of “less is more", the architect Mies Van Der Rogh had a previous idea in the architectural design theory - Brick Country House 1923.
At the time, Mies broke through the formerly form of space- the closed or opening space, through the “circulation space" which expressed in the Brick Country House, thus created a space that is continuous, flowing and separated. We can comprehend from the plane of this project:The independent walls separate the space without closing it, which makes people completely difficult to define whether it is indoor or outdoor. There is no strict boundary between the inner and outer space, but it explained the connection relationship of every space more tactfully . The walls are far from the roof and extend from the interior to the landscape, making the space, architecture and landscape extremely harmonious. Later, Mies applied this series of ideas to which is considered to be the most iconic classic work of modernist architecture - the German Pavilion in Barcelona.
△ 乡间砖宅平面 Brick Country House Plan (1923)
△ 德国馆 German Pavilion, International Exposition Barcelona Plan (1928-30)
△ MIES VAN DER ROHE | 巴塞罗那德国馆实景
Therefore, we interpret the landscape on the shoulders of the giants. In the existing architectural environment the landscape space runs through the building from the inside to the outside. We keep and emphasize the mobility of the space , dividing the the demonstration area into points, lines, and faces, trying to deconstruct the landscape from the architectural space, and then reorganizing the architectural environment accordingly, adding a series of continuous narrative expressions on the function of the space, and integrating them into the space.
Analysis: the connection and penetration of space, (it is different from the planning of the brick country house, what we add is the guiding of space, not the wall.)
△ 空间连接与穿透 -- 与乡间砖宅平面的不同之处是我们在这里强调的是空间的动线,并非完全是指墙体.
△ 最初设计手稿 Sketch
△ 流动空间概念Space Flow
△ 平面布置图Masterplan
△ 城市空间界面Urban shape
The architectural style of the project is modern, the facade uses a large area of ceramic plates and white glass to form a visual contrast, which makes it looks clean and neat. Simple and straight geometric lines with the orange tone, so the appearance is much brighter and more fashion. Landscape design method: in order to create an integrated design of the architectural landscape, the landscape design continues the style of the building, and it starts a conversation with the architectural languages.
△ 建筑空间体块 Architectural Space
△ 主体建筑 Main Building
>>> 时光门 <<<
Time Gate Entrance:
The beginning of a journey through time and space, this gate is full of modern sense that forms a graceful picture with the water view, the side walls and the flora.
△ 时光门入口设计效果 Time Gate Render
△ 时光门入口空间实景 Time Gate
△ 时光门入口顶部细节 Time Gate
>>> 艺术花园 <<<
Art Garden
Feeling the warm and fragrant sunshine in the afternoon, the sunlight through the fingers, the mottled light and shadow scattered to the ground and the walls on both sides from the crack of the leaves. Enjoying this elegant and calm lkfe wadering on the sunshine avenue.
△ 花园小径 Path of Art Garden
△ 艺术空间 Art Courtyard
△ 景墙细节特写 Details
>>> 时光隧道 <<<
Time Tunnel:
Time really flies like water, most often we don’t slow down to feel the time proper and lost a period of time. In project we design the glass bricks and ceramic tiles formed a light and shadow art wall, which captures the moment of time. Meanwhile the wall isolates the noisy municipal roads.
△ 空间结构 Spacial structure
△ 时光隧道概念 Time Tunnel Concept
△ 时光隧道实景 Time Tunnel
△ 与建筑的灰空间 Gray Space
△ 时光隧道立面概念 Time Tunnel Facade
△ 时光隧道立面概念 Time Tunnel Facade
△ 景墙实景 Landscape Wall
△ 细节实景 Detail
△ 利用参数化推演景墙 Parametric Landscape Wall
△ 景墙细节 Detail
△ 景墙细节 Detail
>>> 游鳞雨帘 <<<
Water Curtain:
This is a visual feast. The glazed tiles of different colors are combined into a rotating gradient water feature. Each tile is fixed by four wires and the water flows from the wire to the ground. You will be attracted definitely by this lively and dreamy scene with lights and music at night.
△ 入口概念 Entrance
△ 水帘概念 Water Curtain Concept
△ 水帘里面详图 Water Curtain Elevation
△ 3D动态数字模拟 3D Digital Dynamic Simulation
△ 入口水帘实景图 Water Curtain
△ 入口水帘实景图 Water Curtain
△ 琉璃装置细节 Detail
△ 琉璃装置特写 Detail
>>> 建筑灰空间 <<<
慵懒的午后,一杯咖啡,一下午。设计将室内的空间延续到室外,布置了一个休憩洽谈区域,在靠近外围布置了流动的水景, 喷泉作为沿街的展示吸引人流;建筑内侧空间布置了镜水面与雕塑。
Gray space:
A cup of coffee can kill a whole lazy afternoon. The design extends the indoor space to the outside, arranging a leisure space for discussion. There are waterscape and fountain are arranged on the periphery of the municipal road as the display along the street to attract people. The mirrored waterscape and sculpture are arranged on the inner side of the building as well.
Art courtyard:
tree shadow, white facade, exquisite materials, delicate sculptures and clean lawns reflect the style of Bulgari Hotel into the indoor sight.
△ 灰空间效果图 Gray Space Render
△ 灰空间实景 Gray Space
△ 灰空间实景 Gray Space
>>> 连廊水景 <<<
The corridor:
It is designed to reduce the pressure and safety hazards brought by the high-rises. In space, using the white glass as a half-space partition . In addition, all the elements, like the fountain, the sculptures, the lights and the water reflections depict a romantic picture at night .
△ 连廊水景效果 Corridor
△ 连廊水景实景 Corridor
△ 连廊水景Corridor
△ 跳泉实景 Jump Springs
△ 艺术雕塑 Sculpture
△ 艺术庭院设计图Art Courtyard
△ 艺术庭院设计图Art Courtyard
△ 艺术庭院空间 Art courtyard space
我们聊聊一些看似常规设计背后的不寻常 。
△ 电子云
A: 通过控制线上下端的变化,即根据调整距离控制线的范围:距离更近的变化更多,距离越远的越趋于同类,根据距离分成等距类并应用随机数模拟出现概率,并且可以由贝塞尔曲线等函数对概率进行修正。
B: 这类则是不设置上下部分,通过“混合”两种材质的思想,借由两种材质所占比例与随机变化进行调整。
△ 模拟自然降雨过程
△ 雨中的玻璃幕墙(建成后)
△ halftone 间距渐行渐远
△ 各列间距变化
△ 各行行距变化
△ 各行缩放变化
△ 细节的效果(建成后)间距始终不变
△ 雨中游鳞(建成后)
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